Book of philemon on slavery

Paul never called for an overthrow of the system of slavery, yet the principles in the letter to philemon destroy slavery. There is an obvious need for a clear understanding of slavery as we approach the book of philemon. The book of philemon is as several authors have said, like looking over the shoulder of philemon as he reads his personal mail. Its canonicity was widely recognized in the early church, particularly by ignatius, tertullian, origen, eusebius, marcion, and in the muratorian canon. The book of philemon demonstrates the gospel in action.

In philemon, we see a countercultural church in practice. Philemon bible study lesson 1 historical backgrounds of philemon information useful to understand before a study of the letters contents slavery in the grecoroman world one of the most important things to understand about philemon is the background of slavery in the ancient world. Although the book of philemon is about sin, forgiveness, salvation, love, validation, inspiration, grace is amongst all. Paul wrote this letter to philemon, a believer in colosse who, along with others, was a slave owner cf.

Once we have an informed understanding of slavery in the ancient world we will be able to make better sense out of what paul is writing to philemon regarding his slave and christian brother onesimus. There is no longer jew or greek, there is no longer slave or free, there is no longer male and female. Dunn examines colossians and philemon within the context of the jewish and hellenistic cultures in the first century and discusses the place of colossians and philemon in the relationship between the pauline mission and the early churches that received these letters. Paul, the thinking goes, would not send a christian brother back into the awful situation of slavery.

While we may not be able to gain absolute certainty regarding the circumstances in which onesimus left philemon and joined paul, it is clear that onesimus was a slave and, as such, was in an extremely precarious position. Onesimus had run away from philemon, and somehow met paul in his travels. The message is contained in the apostle pauls letter to philemon and the issue of that day was slavery. The book of philemon illustrates that principles like these can and should profoundly affect the lives of believers. Its written to philemon whose slave onesimus ran away and became a believer under pauls teaching. Philemon essaysthe book of philemon has several different meanings which can be distinguished by the reader. Never afraid to face an issue head on, paul writes his friend, philemon, regarding one of his slaves who fled his estate. Paul wrote this letter in order to ask philemon toaccept onesimus back into his household. American abolitionist, editor, orator, author, statesman, and reformer, frederick douglass, himself a former slave, was invited to deliver a speech in 1852 eight years before the civil war to a womens anti slavery society in rochester, new york. Following i will explain in my own understanding each attribute stated in the book of philemon. Paul was writing philemon as a brother in christ about his slave, onesimus, and now that onesimus had trusted in christ, paul wanted philemon to consider him as a brother in christ. Best commentaries and books on philemon logos bible software.

What does the new testament book philemon teach us. Now, paul sent onesimus back to philemon, appealing for his acceptance and forgiveness of onesimus. This book has been cited through the centuries as a biblical argument against slavery. The people that paul mentions as being with him when he wrote philemon are exactly the same with the exception of justus.

The subject is a runaway slave owned by philemon named onesimus. The letter suggests that paul was in prison at the time of the writing. In this letter, paul helps his friend philemon to reconcile with his. Instead of a masterslave relationship, it should now be a brotherly relationship. It is directed to philemon, which means kisses or one that is affectionate, in behalf of onesimus, which means profitable or.

Paul does not make any direct attacks on the notion of slavery, but he does hold philemon to a standard higher than that of the surrounding culture. Slavery in the bible and the book of philemon fellowship bible. The book of philemon is about a personal appeal to a prosperous christian slave owner to receive his slave back as a brother in christ. Although the book of philemon is a very short letter, it can be challenging to understand because it deals with slavery. Philemon and slavery in the first century reading acts. That was illegal, of course, since roman law was written by slaveowners and not. Philemon new revised standard version nrsv salutation. Philemon also creates a challenge for bible teachers in a time when, as a culture and as the body of christ, we are dealingperhaps like never beforewith the lingering shame of chattel slavery in the united states. The book of philemon is not a book at all, but a letter written by paul during his first roman imprisonment. There is little doubt that paul wrote this epistle, since he refers to himself at least three times in verses 1, 9 and 19.

The historic and contemporary reality of slavery is never far away from how we think about the bible. The book of philemon is a prison epistle letter written while in prison, which paul wrote circa 61 a. Pauls letter deals with an accepted institution of antiquity, human slavery. Philemon stands as one piece of strong evidence to the contrary, revealing that lofty doctrines such as the love of god, forgiveness in christ, or the inherent dignity of humanity have real and pertinent impact in everyday life. The book was written around 62 ad during paul first imprisonment in rome. Biography of paul nearly all scholars agree that paul wrote this letter. I would have been glad to keep him with me, in order that he might serve me on your behalf during my imprisonment for the gospel,14but i. One of his slaves, onesimus, had apparently stolen from him cf. Nov 28, 2016 watch our overview video on the book of philemon, which breaks down the literary design of the book and its flow of thought. The book of philemon was written by the apostle paul during his roman imprisonment.

Book of philemon overview insight for living ministries. Paul knows he could simply order philemon to free onesimus, but instead he chooses to challenge philemon to do the right thing of his own volition. The book is a very personal letter sent from the apostle paul see philemon 1,9,19 to his friend and son in the faith philemon. In our society, racism and our low regard for the unborn cannot be eliminated by laws. I believe the book of philemon is about authority, and specifically how paul is able to harness his authority and still achieve his objectives. Paul helps his friend philemon to reconcile with his escaped former slave onesimus, and shows that they are equals because of jesus. The title of this letter is the name of the addressee, taken from verse 1. Although onesimus was converted, his responsibility to his master, philemon was not eliminated. Philemon with book summary versebyverse bible commentary. The background to the book of philemon is the story of a slave. The book of philemon was written in approximately a. Philemon provides valuable historical insights into the early churchs relationship to the institution of slavery. Usually the epistle to philemon is paired with the letter to colossians.

In just 25 verses we read about pauls concern for the slave onesimus, and his owner philemon who lives in colossae. Pauls letter to philemon has, nodoubt, done more to overcome slavery than any other document everwritten. Instead of a frontal attack on the culturally pervasive institution of slavery in his day, paul took another approach, for example, in his letter to philemon. Main characters the book of philemon involves three main characters.

Dunn, new internation greek testament commentary nigtc, eerdmans, 1996, 405 pp. Onesimus was a runaway slave owned by philemon who came into the company of paul, and, as a result, was converted to christ. In this post i want to summarize a few points from john byron on slavery. Watch our overview video on the book of philemon, which breaks down the literary design of the book and its flow of thought. God is the god of all nations and as the book says, there is neither slave nor free men.

Slavery was widespread in the roman empire according to some estimates, slaves constituted one third, perhaps more, of the population, and an accepted part of life. Paul did not opt for a full on frontal assault against slavery, but instead chose to. The epistle is addressed to philemon, with the church in his house, and to sister apphia and archippus. An alternate view is that the actual master of the slave is archippus and that the one to whom the letter is addressed, philemon, is the most prominent christian there.

The article is dealing with pauls metaphor of a slave, but some of the information provides an excellent entry point into the difficulties of dealing with slavery in the. What you do learn is the freedom that is above all the slavery of this world. The book of philemon was actually written onbehalf of another person. While passing no judgment on slavery itself, paul exhorts philemon to manifest. The book of philemon does not defend slavery october 11, 2012 fred clark patheos explore the worlds faith through different perspectives on religion and spirituality. A slave named onesimus had escaped from his owner, philemon, and had run away from colossae to rome in the hope that he could disappear into that. The letter of paul to philemon epistle by saint paul britannica.

Paul shared the gospel with him, and onesimus had been saved. His travels somehow brought him to rome where, in the providence of god, he came in contact with paul. Paul urged philemon to receive onesimus no longer as a slave, but more than a slave, as a. The epistle shows that he was a believing christian and an esteemed acquaintance of the apostle. A summary of the book of philemon 1881 words 8 pages. The greatest social changes come when people are changed, one heart at a time.

How christian slaveholders used the bible to justify slavery. Philemon might have considered onesimus escape to be a great injustice, but paul offers a different perspective. The letter to philemon is the shortest of all pauls writings and deals with the practice of slavery. Once we have an informed understanding of slavery in the ancient world we will be able to make better sense out of what paul is writing to philemon regarding his slave and christian brother.

It is in the form of a letter from apostle paul to philemon, someone he led to christ and a friend. After his dramatic conversion on the road to damascus, pauls singular purpose was to prove that jesus is the christ acts 9. Sep 03, 2009 the historic and contemporary reality of slavery is never far away from how we think about the bible. The new testament was largely ignored, except in the negative sense of pointing out that nowhere did jesus condemn slavery, although the story of philemon, the runaway who st. The book of philemon does not defend slavery fred clark. There are times to speak out against slavery, racism, sexism, heterosexism, fear of foreigners, classism. The book of philemon does not defend slavery fred clark patheos. Pauls basic claim in philemon is the same as it is in galatians 3. The key personalities of philemon are paul, philemon, and onesimus. Jun 14, 20 and an excerpt from this weeks sermon on philemon. For one thing, slavery is not even in the context of the book of philemon. It has been said that no document in the history of the world has so altered humanitys attitude toward the institution of slavery as has this letter. You will not get arguments for or against slavery from this epistle.

This letter tells philemon how to receive onesimus. The bible knowledge commentary says onesimus, a slave of philemon, had run away, having evidently robbed his master phile. It is the freedom that every one of us wants to have. Summary of the book of philemon story of the bible. It was written to philemon as a plea to request forgiveness for his runaway servant onesimus, who was a new believer in jesus christ. Its a little book that can get lost between the giants on either side, yet it has a powerful message. Paul urged philemon to receive onesimus no longer as a slave, but more than a slave, as a brother beloved v. This letter, seemingly, provided alleviation of suffering of some slaves due to the fact that paul placed pastoral focus on the issue. Study in philemon by edgar pierce exposing the word. Philemon bible study lesson 1 historical backgrounds of. The 1 chapter book of philemon is about a runaway slave onesimus being sent back to his master by the suggestion of paul the apostle.

At this time slavery was common, and can be seen as a theme in the book of philemon. Jan 25, 2018 its a little book that can get lost between the giants on either side, yet it has a powerful message. The author of the book of philemon was the apostle paul philemon 1. This just proves that the bible does not endorse slavery. American abolitionist, editor, orator, author, statesman, and reformer, frederick douglass, himself a former slave, was invited to deliver a speech in 1852 eight years before the civil war to a womens antislavery society in rochester, new york. Philemon nrsv salutation paul, a prisoner of christ. This little letter, however, helps us understand that the first calling of the church is not to speak out against injustice, but to actually live out the justice and peace jesus taught. Most christians would know that the short new testament book of philemon has something to do with slavery and christianity. Sep 29, 2014 but the response i hear most frequently is that slavery could not have been sinful because paul would not have sent onesimus a slave back to philemon a slaveowner. The book is unique for the social impact it has exercised. I beseech thee for my son onesimus, whom i have begotten in my. While on the run, onesimus met paul, hears the gospel, and accepts christ. One of pauls shortest and the most explosive letters, the book of philemon demonstrates the gospel through action.

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